Friday 27 September 2019

Room 6 Calendar art

This term in room six we did calendar art. On my calendar art I put the stuff that I enjoy doing, like R.E, Camp and music. as you can see I drew a picture of me in the middle of the page waving. I drew lots of things that I love. I drew a picture of a helmet and a paddle for camp, I drew a picture of a piece of paper and a pencil for writing. I love this years calendar art!

Room 6 Monsters

The Monsters are Coming!

Friday 6 September 2019

How to Make Hokey Pokey

I am learning to write a procedural text for our audience to follow.

Ingredients / Materials:
3 tablespoons of white sugar
2 tablespoons of golden syrup
1 teaspoon of baking soda
Baking tray

Parchment paper or baking paper

1. Put a pot on the stove and turn the heat on to warm the pot

2. Cover a baking tray in parchment paper or baking paper

3. Place the golden syrup in the pot when heated

4. Add the sugar in the pot

5. Stir the mixture together

6. Carefully put the baking soda in the pot

7. Rapidly stir the mixture to make sure it does not stick to the pot!

8. Pour your mixture onto the tray with parchment paper

9. Let the mixture set

                                    Once it is set eat it! 


Marae Trip

On the 28th of August the whole School went on a Marae trip.
We were welcomed by a woman. We came into the Marae and sat
on the soft carpet. We sang some songs, listened to some Moari 
stories and played some games. After, we went and had a bit of morning tea and had some playtime. The Marae trip was great! Here are a few photos.

Friday 16 August 2019

Mixed Media - visual arts

You hold the future in your hands. 

In Term 2 our Visual Arts focused was on Mixed Media. We finally finished our pieces of art at the end of the term. We started off by creating two hands, most of us copied our own hands as templates. One hand represents our past and the other hand our future. We used lots of different materials and symbols to make our artwork as well as exploring a range of different techniques with watercolor paint. This is my art work.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Egg Sitting

In room six this term we did an egg sitting challenge. Like in any other challenge there were rules. Rule number one was that you weren't allowed to boil nor fry your egg. Rule number two you weren't allowed to leave it alone by itself at home unless someone was looking after it. My eggs name was omlet. I would take her to daycare every single morning then I would take her out for lunch. I had a great time egg sitting.

Friday 28 June 2019

My Family of Facts Poster

In maths this term I made a family of facts poster. As you can see I did six times seven. I worked independently on this and had lots of fun.