Friday, 24 May 2019

The Periodic Table

This week in room six we have been learning about the periodic table. I learnt about what valence electrons are and what the different elements are. I love learning about the periodic table!

Friday, 17 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day!

Today is pink shirt day! We wore a pink shirt and brought a gold coin donation. We wore a pink shirt today because it was bully free week. Today I wore a pink shirt with black tights underneath.

Friday, 10 May 2019

My Growth Mindset Person

Last term in room six we learned about a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how people overcame their fixed mindset. I researched all about Marie Curie and how she overcame her fixed mindset. I chose Marie because I felt that she was inspiring and she never gave up on her dreams. 

Facts about Marie Curie:

Marie was born in Warsaw Poland. Her birth name was Maria Sklodowska but her family called her Maya. She had four siblings Bronislawa Dluska, Helena Sklodowska, Zofia Sklodowska and Jozef Sklodowski. She had two daughters Eve Curie and Irene Joliot Curie. Marie is famous for discovering polonium and radium. 

I had so much fun learning about Marie Curie!